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It's just a little bit of science!
Welcome to Communicate Science.
I'm a plant scientist, so expect lots of plant-related posts but also lots on science in general and science communication.
All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyright of Communicate Science and should not be used without prior consent.
Opinions expressed on this blog represent my own views and not those of my employer. Any comments on posts represent the opinions of visitors.
I'm a plant scientist, so expect lots of plant-related posts but also lots on science in general and science communication.
All content, unless otherwise stated, is copyright of Communicate Science and should not be used without prior consent.
Opinions expressed on this blog represent my own views and not those of my employer. Any comments on posts represent the opinions of visitors.
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This is me
- Eoin Lettice
- I'm passionate about the need to enthuse, inform and engage everyone in society about science. I'm a full-time researcher and lecturer and a part-time blogger. I'm interested in all things to do with science. In particular, education and communication of science - especially biology. This blog represents my personal views.
Here's what you missed
- Bat research: not just about bats
- Speaking of Education...
- Government needs to fund agri-education properly
- My Secret Life - Animals at Play
- Pterosaur egg discovered
- David Bellamy - Happy Birthday
- 'Irish Giant' Documentary
- Skies Light Up - Cork Celebrates Science
- Lab Notes: 14th January 2011
- Oldest Wine Making Equipment Discovered
- Some intitial thoughts on the Hunt Report
- The Art of Science
- Assessing Risk: GM, Food Safety and Science in Europe
- Irish 'Giant' DNA Link
- Follow Communicate Science on Twitter

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